Technologies for when I’m ‘old’

...been looking at how technology can help address the challenges associated with ageing. We talked to technology companies, innovative care providers, carers and representatives of older people. Much of this...
...been looking at how technology can help address the challenges associated with ageing. We talked to technology companies, innovative care providers, carers and representatives of older people. Much of this...
...either a practitioner or a client. Horizon Scanning is more about asking the ‘unasked questions’ or identifying the “unknown unknowns” (after Donald Rumsfeld). Don’t negate the need for a champion...
...for? The Futures Toolkit These are some of the questions that the Government Office for Science’s Futures Toolkit sets out to help answer. The Toolkit is a resource that sets...
How advances in brain science and artificial intelligence could transform our mental health and wellbeing.
Professor Susan Jebb on what’s changed since Foresight published their report on Obesity 10 years ago, and what we can still learn from it.
...Community Learning Survey Report, 2013). Why should this be? First, women are more likely to be employed in the public sector, which tends to offer more in the way of...
...maritime services industry based in London. Increased Arctic shipping may indirectly increase the utilisation of these sectors. Finally, the UK’s active diplomatic role in many international organisations means it is...
Britain has struggled to produce economically valuable skills for over 130 years. How can this be fixed?
Especially since the surge in university and college enrolments around 1990, Britain's workforce has become very much more educated.
How the Government Office for Science helped my team to develop the government’s approach to fuller working lives.