The Government Office for Science’s Scan of Scans resource is available to help those in government and elsewhere to think about how trends from a variety of themes could affect policy areas in the future. This is the first in …
‘Global Strategic Trends – The Future Starts Today’ was published on Monday 15 October by the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) thinktank, the Development, Concept and Doctrine Centre (DCDC). The document provides a strategic context for those involved in long-term policy, …
Novel technology is bringing many opportunities and disruptions which offer possibilities that could change our lives. The Government Office for Science’s Emerging Technology Programme helps government think about how potential new technologies may affect policy choices. Read on to find out about three emerging technologies identified by GOS’ Emerging Technology Scan that could change how we practise medicine in the UK.
How advances in brain science and artificial intelligence could transform our mental health and wellbeing.
Professor Susan Jebb on what’s changed since Foresight published their report on Obesity 10 years ago, and what we can still learn from it.
Download and use our workshop materials to understand how population ageing will impact your area of interest.
How Foresight data has found its way into a national design museum.
...Foresight’s Future of an ageing population final report to find out more about how housing will affect the future of an ageing population. Sign up for email updates from this...
People in the UK are living longer than ever - a major achievement of modern science and healthcare.